Planner Community At Go Wild

Collaboration And Connection: The Heart Of The Planner Community

When I joined the planner community, I expected to find a digital space of like-minded individuals. However, I found a vibrant and supportive group of individuals who share a common love for organization, creativity, and the art of planning. The heart of the planner community lies in its support for one another. We love to collaborate and thrive together. Welcome to the planner community! Read along to learn what we are all about and where we hang out.

Navigating The Planner Community

So you were probably eager to get your life organized. You hopped on YouTube, and somehow the YouTube algorithm popped you into a Plan With Me video. Then you discovered other planner creators, you found out that there is more than one type of planner. However, the real shocker was that you can use stickers to plan in your planner!

But what surprised you the most was that we have a planner conference (actually more than one…).

This is how most of us get reeled into this section of the stationery world. It’s lovely here in the planner world but for a newbie, it can get overwhelming. This is why I created THE PLANNER INDEX. This is a one-stop site where you can learn all about the planner world: Types of planners, planner creators, planner events, etc. You don’t have to feel lost when it comes to discovering your personal planning style.

Whether you’re new to planning or a seasoned enthusiast, understanding the heart of the planner community can open doors to creativity, productivity, and a sense of belonging.

Benefits Of Being Part Of the Planner Community

Picture this: You are someone who has loved stationery their whole life. Nobody quite understands how much you love it but you go to a planner conference for the first time in your life. While waiting in line, you have a full 30-minute conversation about which pens are your favorite and why.

This was my experience at the Go Wild Planner Conference. Simply being able to connect with other planner and stationery lovers was the best experience for me.

From finding inspiration and motivation to building friendships and gaining support, the community provides a nurturing environment for personal and creative growth. Planners often find that their journey is enriched by the connections they make within the community. Some people come for the planners and stay for the community.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do one common passion brings us together and that is all that matters anyway.

The Planner People: Diverse Styles and Preferences

Within the planning community, there is a rich diversity of planning styles and preferences. Each planner brings a unique approach to organizing their life, and understanding these different styles can help you find what resonates with you. I do realize however that finding your own style can be difficult. We call this trying to find Planner Peace.

Nowadays, you can find a wide array of planner layouts including vertical and horizontal. You can also find different planner styles and sizes including coiled planners, ring planners, and bullet journals. The list is almost endless. How do you find what works best for you? The answer lies in finding the content creators who can provide the inspiration that you need.

Connecting Through Social Media

You don’t necessarily need to meet other planner enthusiasts in the wild to make a genuine connection. Instagram is the main place where other planner lovers hang out. We share our planner spreads, planner inspo, and thoughts. YouTube is where you can find in-depth planner reviews, pen reviews, and planner spread ideas. The Planner TikTok is also growing!

Whichever platform you choose to connect with other creators, my advice to you is to not be afraid to interact. For the longest time, I was just a lurker, admiring other’s creations from afar and not commenting on their posts. If you are not interacting, you are missing out! Additionally, if you are a person who loves planners a great way to connect is by creating a planner account where you can share your spreads as well. It wasn’t until I created my Sara’s Planner Instagram account that I felt like I could connect with others in the planner world.

Be Careful With The FOMO

As lovely as this community is, it is an expensive one… You have to be careful and find the balance between the joy of trying new things and putting a dent in your bank account because you want to try ALL the things. The FOMO (fearing of missing out) will be real because you may see people using multiple planners and sharing their thoughts.

Remember that a lot of these people are content creators and they receive affiliate income so naturally, they will want to share different types of things. You have to realize that it is not always real and if it is, there is a chance that these people don’t have the same lifestyle that you do. Planning itself is a hobby, just like painting, writing, etc…

Some people dive into it as a hobby so you must keep a clear and open mind when navigating through all the very shiny planning objects and tools. These same people are also typically welcoming and eager to help newcomers embark on their planning journey. So don’t be afraid to reach out!

Feel free to reach out to me, I am always happy to help! You can also read my story and how I landed in the planner community: Diary of a Planner Girl.

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