Goal Roadmap To Greatness

How To Stick To Your Goals Using This Roadmap to Greatness

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It’s that time of year again where we reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. Many people set goals, but few achieve them. Why is that? There are so many reasons you may not be achieving everything you want including a lack of motivation, not having a plan in place, or losing sight of what you want to achieve. I will share my goal setting roadmap to help you stick to your goals all year long. If you want to be successful in achieving your goals, start by implementing an effective goal setting system.

Sticking to your goals is an important life skill if you want to succeed but only a few people actually take the time to plan them out and focus on making their dreams a reality. Do a bit of the leg work and I can almost guarantee you will have a happier and more fulfilling life.

1. Reflecting on your past achievements.

Reflecting on your past achievements is a great way to start off your goal setting system. It can be easy to overlook this step, but it’s important to take the time to reflect on what you have accomplished. Seeing how far you’ve come and remind you of what you’re capable of achieving is a great way to start off on a positive note.

Write down what you accomplished and how you felt afterwards. It feels great, doesn’t it? Even if you think you haven’t achieved much, write down every single thing you feel proud of, no matter how small it seems. you will start to realize that even the small victories are worth celebrating and they lead or are leading to greater things!

Here are a few questions that can help you reflect on your past achievements:

  • What are some things I have accomplished in the past?
  • What did those accomplishments feel like?
  • What did I learn from my past achievements?
  • What did I do to achieve my goals?
  • What was the outcome of my achievements?

2. Have a vision for what you want to achieve.

If you don’t have a vision for what you want to achieve, it’s hard to know what goals to set or which direction to head in. A vision board can help you to crystallize your goals and give you a visual representation of what you’re working towards.
Creating a vision board is a simple but powerful process that can help you to focus on what you want and get you moving in the right direction. It’s a great way to get clarity on your goals and start working towards them with purpose. It is also a very fun activity because it is your space to dump all your thoughts and pictures of what you want in life without a specific structure. Just have fun with this process, it’s your chance to let out your creativity. Learn more about creating a vision board.

You don’t necessarily have to create a vision board for this process but it’s a great way to get started. You can simply grab a piece of paper and brainstorm things you want to achieve.

3. Journal your thoughts regarding your goals.

It’s not just about writing down what you want in life, it’s also about writing down your values, your ultimate why, and how something is making you feel. Doing this can help you assess your life and figure out which direction you want to go in.
Think about where you are in your life right now. What are your thoughts and feelings? What do you want to achieve? Write all of this down.
Once you have everything written down, analyze your life and see what needs to change. Are you heading in the right direction? If not, what do you need to do to get back on track?
The best way to determine your ultimate why is to ask yourself the “5 Whys.” This is a simple yet powerful technique that can help you uncover the deeper meaning behind your goals. (You can download a free printable below that helps you go through the “5 Whys”. It is in my Productivity Planner printable!)

When it comes to determining your “ultimate why,” it is important to ask yourself some tough questions. Why do you want to achieve this goal? Why is this goal important to you? Why are you passionate about this subject?
Start by asking yourself why you want to achieve a certain goal. Then, ask yourself why that goal is important to you. Keep asking yourself why, until you get to the root of your motivation.
This process can help you uncover your true passion and the deeper meaning behind your goals. It can also help you identify any roadblocks that might be holding you back.

Once you know what motivates you, you can start making positive changes in your life. So, take some time to think about what you want in life and what you need to do to achieve it.

Goal Roadmap
Goal Roadmap to Greatness

4. Set specific goals and set a timeline for completion.

Now that you have done all the prep work, it is time to write those goals down and get planning! Without a specific plan and timeline, it’s easy to get sidetracked and never achieve your goals. But with a little hard work and some smart goal-setting, you can make your dreams a reality.
Here’s how to set goals and set a timeline for completion:

  1. Start by brainstorming a list of goals. What do you want to achieve in the short-term, medium-term, and long-term?
  2. Once you have your list of goals, it’s time to start setting some deadlines. When do you want to achieve each goal? Be realistic with your timeline, but don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.
  3. Now that you have your goals and timeline, it’s time to start working towards them. This is where the hard work comes in, but it will be worth it when you achieve your goals.
  4. Finally, make sure to review your goals and timeline regularly. Adjust as needed to make sure you are still on track.
    By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals. Just remember to be patient and to work hard, and you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to.

Creating a timeline can be a bit daunting, but it’s worth it in the end. It will help you stay accountable and make sure you’re not letting time slip by without making any progress.

If you need a little more help with this goal setting process, a guided journal can help you get on the right track. My favorite one to use is the Erin Condren Goal Setting Journal. This one in particular helps you do the journaling prep work and provides a framework for specific goal setting.

5. Create an action plan and check-in periodically.

Now that you have specific goals in mind, here’s how to create an action plan and check in periodically to ensure you’re making progress.
Start by outlining what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. Then, break down those goals into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, if your goal is to start a business, your action plan might include tasks like researching the industry, writing a business plan, and networking with potential investors.
Once you have your action plan, set a schedule for checking in on your progress. This could be monthly, quarterly, or even weekly, depending on the timeline for your goals. At each check-in, assess how far you’ve come and what still needs to be done. Adjust your action plan as needed to ensure you’re on track to reach your goals.
By creating an action plan and checking in regularly, you can stay focused on your goals and ensure that you’re making progress.

You now have all the tools to get out there and conquer your goals. You go Goal-Getter! Don’t forget to download your FREE Productivity Planner below to help you get started with your goal planning.

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