Welcome To Sara's Planner

Welcome to Sara’s Planner – Optimize and Organize Your Life

Why Sara’s Planner?

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved planners (Hello Lisa Frank, anyone?). For pretty much my whole life, I’ve been planning every aspect from weekly meals to big-picture goals. In doing so, I have been able to reach my objectives, goals that at the time seemed impossible and I have found effective ways to make the most out of every day. Since I have helped friends and family get on track as well, I wanted to start this blog to open the pages of my planner and show helpful organization tips and trips that may help you too!

A little Bit about me…

I’m a happily married, proud dog-momma who lives in San Antonio, Texas. I grew up both in San Jose, California, and Guadalajara, Mexico. I enjoy, love, and embrace my Mexican roots. I have way too many hobbies to list but some of them include journaling, playing board games, traveling, reading, dip powder manis, and watching movies (major movie buff here…).

Sara The Planner
Sara The Planner

I am an Accounting and Finance Grad, hence my love for budgeting. My job experience includes working in call centers, bilingual medical interpreting, English teaching, and Billing. I am currently on the Project Management team of a manufacturing company. All of these different experiences have allowed me to pick up little things here and there that helped me hone my organizational skills. There is no better way to develop effective planning skills than in a hectic, fast-paced professional team setting, amIright?

What to Expect

Daily and Life Planning

First things first, The way I stay constant and on top of my planner is by not making it a chore. It’s not something I HAVE to do, it’s something I LOVE to do. I personally love to make it fun by personalizing according to my style. Whether you are someone that loves to plan already and want to find new ways to do it or are just looking into ways to get started, I can help you find a wide source of inspiration for all your planning needs.

Budgeting and Finance

If anything, life has definitely become more expensive so now more than ever, it is so important to stay on top of your finances, track your expenses, and find ways to save money. Stay tuned for budgeting templates, budgeting printables and money-saving hacks!

Shameless Plug for all you busines owners out there. I have a bookkeeping business in case you wanna check it out: Walletkeeping.com

Budget Beauty

I’m a sucker for manicures, makeup and skincare. However, I don’t love the price tag on certain products. In this blog, you will find some nail and makeup inspo but also hacks to help you save on nail and beauty products.

Career Corner

You probably have a full-time job, maybe a side hustle or two. Maybe you just like to find ways to make your work shift more effective, or simply grow professionally. I’m here to help. I may have some insights on the best ways to write emails to get your customer’s attention or maybe some free tools that can help you do your work faster, or stay on top of your projects.


If you are a person that has dealt with anxiety, impossible expectations or simply putting too much on your plate, let me tell you, you are NOT alone. I too have dealt with all of this. My journey to self care has been a bumpy one but I was able to make it through and I know you can too!

Motivation and Self-Development

Sometimes you just need a little push in finding that own light inside of you and knowing that you got this. I’m here to at least be a reminder that you absolutely can! I also want to be part of your personal growth journey by providing tools and resources to help become the best version of yourself.

THANK YOU For Stopping By.

I appreciate you reading this first blog post and please standby for many more to come. I hope you continue to enjoy my articles and follow along for some fun and useful content! Feel free to drop a comment and sign up for my newsletter to stay tuned for new posts. Follow and like my socials for inspo!

Let’s Get Social!

3 thoughts on “Welcome to Sara’s Planner – Optimize and Organize Your Life”

  1. Hi Sara, congratulations on your first blog. Looking forward to seeing more. I love you girl!

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