how to get your life together in 90 days

How To Get Your Life Together In 90 Days

Life can often feel like a whirlwind of responsibilities, goals, and ambitions. Whether it’s improving your finances, health, career, or simply organizing your living space, taking charge of your life can seem daunting. However, with a structured approach and dedicated effort, significant changes can be made in just 90 days. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you achieve that transformation. This is how you can get your life together in 90 Days!

Take it from someone who suffers a chronic condition called Shiny Object Syndrome… I go for what is shiny and new and I don’t always focus so naturally, my house has become a mess and I have started so many projects without actually finishing them. However, I am ready to turn my life around and if you are too, read along.

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1. Reflect On Your Current State

Start your journey by taking stock of where you currently stand in various aspects of your life. This reflection is crucial as it sets the foundation for identifying areas that need improvement and understanding your starting point for the next 90 days.

  • Financial State: Take a detailed look at your income, expenses, savings, debts, and investments. Are you on track with your financial goals? Do you have a budget in place?
  • Health State: Evaluate your physical health by considering your fitness level, diet, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. How often do you exercise? Are you eating a balanced diet?
  • Professional State: Assess your career satisfaction, current job role, skills, and career goals. Are you where you want to be professionally? Are there skills you need to develop or certifications to pursue?
  • Relationship State: Reflect on your personal relationships, including family, friends, and romantic partners. How satisfied are you with your relationships? Are there any conflicts or areas that need improvement?
  • Unfinished Projects: Identify any lingering tasks, projects, or goals that you’ve started but haven’t completed. What has been holding you back from finishing them?
  • Tidiness of Your Home: Take a critical look at your living space. Is it organized and clutter-free, or does it need decluttering and cleaning?
  • Overall Life Satisfaction: Reflect on how fulfilled and content you feel in general. Are there areas of your life where you feel dissatisfied or stressed?

2. Create a Brain Dump

Once you have reflected on your current state, make a comprehensive list of everything you want to change, improve, or achieve in the next 90 days. This brain dump allows you to capture all your thoughts and aspirations without filtering them initially. This is not the time to get fancy just put ideas to paper. There will be time to clean up your lists later. Learn all about the Brain Dump Process with the queen of lists herself: HoneyStyle: How To Pre-Plan.

Additionally, this is a great exercise to not think too hard and simply write down what you want to achieve. At times, we really get paralysis by analysis and continue to think about doing things rather than actually doing the darn thing. Write it down!

3. Organize And Prioritize

Now it’s time to organize your brain dump list into specific categories based on the areas you identified earlier (Finance, Health, Career, Relationships, Home, Personal Growth, etc.). Categorizing your tasks and goals helps you create a structured plan for tackling each area of your life. The list can be as short or as long as you want it to be but remember to keep it realistic. I know you want to get ambitious, it’s easier to write it down than to actually do it right?

Color Code By Priority

At this point, you probably have a crazy list of things that you have to accomplish and don’t know where to start… Don’t worry this will all make sense once you start color coding. Remember, we have 3 months to get all of these things done so we need to make sure that everything on that list is checked off so you can feel at ease, right?

In order to prioritize and ensure that you can get through these action items in the next 3 months, you will use a color coding system:

  • Red: Highlight the top three most urgent and critical tasks in each category. These are the priorities that require immediate attention and action.
  • Yellow: Mark the next important tasks after the red ones. These tasks should be addressed once you have made significant progress with the red priorities. Try to keep it at 3 to 5 tasks maximum.
  • Green: Assign the remaining tasks to the green category. These tasks are important but can be addressed in the later stages of your 90-day plan.

For example, red tasks can be highly important tasks that you have been putting off but need to be done ASAP. Yeah, remember that you needed to renew your passport? Maybe it’s time to get it done now. A yellow task can be something in your home that needs organizing, for example, your pantry. Lastly, green can be something that is not exactly urgent but you really want to get done. Perhaps that pottery class that you have been wanting to take since last year? Just beware, green tasks are not tasks you are just going to put off again and again.

4. Implement Your 90-Day Plan

First Month

Focus intensely on the red tasks identified in each category. Dedicate your time, energy, and resources to making significant progress in these critical areas. Of course, within reason. If you have a full-time job, you have to work around your job. If you make the time for it, you will have time for it!

Tip: Create a weekly action plan with specific tasks and deadlines. Monitor your progress regularly and make adjustments as needed. Make them time-bound and break them down on your calendar or planner as you see fit.

Second Month

Shift your focus to the yellow tasks. As you start to complete the red priorities, transition to addressing the next set of important tasks in each category. Hopefully, by this time all your red tasks have been completed but if not, try to wrap those up first and get to those yellow tasks!

Tip: Review and update your action plan for the second month. Celebrate your achievements from the first month and use that momentum to propel you forward.

Third Month

Address the green tasks that you identified earlier. By now, you should have established a rhythm and made substantial progress in improving various aspects of your life. By this time, you may have already established routines to help you better work on what you set to accomplish. If not, nothing is perfect, but you did an amazing job by accepting this challenge.

Tip: Reflect on your overall progress and achievements over the past 90 days. Celebrate your successes and evaluate areas where you can continue to grow and improve.

Extra Tips for Success:

  • Accountability: Share your goals and progress with a friend, family member, mentor, or coach who can support and encourage you throughout your journey.
  • Check-In Regularly: Schedule periodic reviews (weekly or bi-weekly) to assess your progress, adjust your plan if necessary, and celebrate milestones.
  • Be Realistic: Set achievable goals and timelines to avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain motivation and momentum.

5. What Comes After The 90 Days?

Take a break! You have worked on overdrive for the last 90 days so it is time to take a breather and rest your mind. Rejoice in all you have accomplished and take a moment to pat yourself on the back for the next 30 days. If you want to start another challenge do it after taking some time off. Yes, experiencing all that productivity may make you feel invincible but remember that you need a break.

Taking control of your life and making positive changes requires commitment, perseverance, and a structured approach. By following this 90-day plan, you can significantly improve various aspects of your life and set a solid foundation for continued growth and success. Start today, and in just three months, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish and how far you can progress towards getting your life together.

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