How To Organize Your Bathroom

How To Organize Your Bathroom

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Oh Dear Bathroom, A Forgotten Space…

The bathroom, often overlooked in the realm of home organization, can easily become a chaotic space if left unchecked. It’s understandable why it tends to fall to the bottom of the priority list – after all, it’s not where you entertain guests or spend leisurely evenings. However, considering the amount of time we spend in the bathroom on a daily basis, having an organized space is not just a luxury but a necessity. From storing extra toilet paper to keeping your makeup collection in check, here are some tips to help you whip your bathroom into shape.

I am definitely a planner, and not a doer. I often add this task to my planner and it usually never gets done… Woops. It’s time to make a change and mark this off my checklist.

Getting Your Water Closet Organized

1. Assess Your Space

Before diving into the organizing process, take a moment to assess your bathroom space. Evaluate the layout, identify problem areas, and determine where you have unused space that could be utilized for storage.

2. Purge and Declutter

The first step to organizing any space is to declutter. Go through your cabinets, drawers, and shelves, and get rid of any expired products, empty bottles, or items you no longer use. Be ruthless – if you haven’t touched it in months, chances are you don’t need it cluttering up your bathroom.

3. Maximize Storage

Utilize every inch of available storage space in your bathroom. If possible, consider installing shelves above the toilet or beside the sink to store towels, toiletries, and other essentials. Invest in storage solutions like baskets, bins, and drawer organizers to keep small items tidy and easily accessible. If you live in an apartment, most likely installing shelves is not an option so you must use items to help you make use of every nook and cranny.

4. Get Creative with Organization

Think outside the box when it comes to organizing your bathroom. Lazy Susans are a great way to maximize space in cabinets and make it easier to access items stored in the back. Rolling carts can be a lifesaver in small bathrooms, providing extra storage for toiletries, towels, and cleaning supplies.

5. Optimize the Medicine Cabinet

The medicine cabinet is prime real estate in any bathroom. Make the most of this space by organizing it strategically. Use small containers or baskets to corral items like medications, first aid supplies, and skincare products. Install hooks or magnetic strips on the inside of the door to hang hair accessories, tweezers, and other small tools.

But if you don’t have one like me 🙁 You may have to invest in a few storage space items like organizers to place under your cabinets.

6. Keep Essentials Accessible

Surely, you must ensure that everyday essentials like toilet paper, hand soap, and towels are easily accessible. Try to store extra toilet paper in a decorative basket or on a designated shelf where it’s within reach but out of sight. Lastly, keep hand soap and lotion on the bathroom counter or sink for quick and convenient use.

7. Maintain Regularly

Once you’ve organized your bathroom, make an effort to maintain it on a regular basis. Take a few minutes each week to tidy up, restock supplies, and declutter as needed. By staying on top of maintenance tasks, you can prevent clutter from building up and keep your bathroom looking neat and organized.

I know, I know, that is easier said than done right? But after all of your hard work, you must not let it go to waste.

You Got This You Organization Master You!

While it may be tempting to procrastinate on organizing your bathroom, investing the time and effort to create an organized space will pay off in the long run. By maximizing storage, decluttering regularly, and keeping essentials accessible, you can transform your bathroom into a functional and inviting space that you’ll enjoy using every day. So roll up your sleeves, gather your organizing supplies, and get ready to whip your bathroom into shape!

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