a planner girl Sara's Planner

My Identity Became “A Planner Girl” – Why Do I Love This?

Have you ever loved something so much to the point that talking about it leaves you exhilarated yet exhausted? For me, that something is planners, calendars and the world of organization. Amongst my friends and family, I’ve become synonymous with these tools of organization. It’s safe to say that I harbor a deep obsession for all things related to planners. Embracing this passion led me to proudly don the title of “A Planner Girl,” wearing it as a badge of honor.

Planning isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s my world, my identity, and now, I’ve even woven it into my writing. How did I even get here and how can I inspire you to go after your dreams?

Millennials Love Their Planners (And Stickers)

We Millennials who had success and perfectionism burrowed deep into our brains crave structure and organization more than any other generation. We grew up watching the boss ladies in rom-coms with their successful creative corporate careers. These women looked very put-together and just kind of won at life. As a child and teen back then, this had a huge influence on me. Could this be a reason why I became obsessed with productivity? Possibly, I’m not sure but after being immersed in the planner community, I realized that a big percentage of the community are millennials like me!

It’s true, the majority of my YouTube channel‘s audience are Millennials but in general people within the ages of 25 and 55. This age group loves their planners, journals, and of course stickers.

Why is it that this age group loves its planners? The Seattle Times said it best: “We order a $60 planner in the hope that we might finally tidy our brains.” As a millennial surrounded by other millennials, it dawned on me that we share striking similarities. Anxieties, bouts of depression, a penchant for perfectionism and most of all, we have a lot of brain clutter. A planner is a medium in which we just lay everything out and try to make sense of our noisy brain.

Additionally, my curiosity led me to research this further and discovered another big reason why my age group loves planners and productivity. This reason is the Girl Boss mentality that was drilled into our brains as we were growing up. In the Financial Diet’s Video Essay: Millennial Women May Never Recover From The Romcom, this topic is heavily discussed.

The majority of the media we consumed as a child was influenced by this “Girl Boss” dynamic and unrealistic expectations placed on the female gender. I can say from experience that subconsciously, this expectation of perfection stuck with me and remains ingrained in my habits. Is this a bad thing? It can be I agree but at the same time, it blossomed into a lovely, yet unorthodox hobby.

Becoming That Planner Girl

When I meet someone and they ask me what my hobby is, I say “Creative Planning”. There usually is a blank stare of confusion. People don’t usually know what that means. At first, I was a little embarrassed. How could I explain my hobby to someone from the outside looking in? But I realized that I don’t have to explain. It is something I love to do and that’s it. People don’t have to explain that they love playing video games, they just do. However, coming to this realization wasn’t easy.

It all started when I was a little girl and I always chose journals and pens over an other toys. I bought my first journal when I was 5 and went to the flea market. It was pink and it had a cute little lock. Ever since then, back to school season for me was the most exciting time of the year. This was the time when I got to choose a planner, buy notebooks, pens, pencils, and all the cute school supplies that I needed.

Throughout my whole life, among my family and friends I have been known to have a planner with me wherever I go. This “particularity” followed me well into my adult years. Once I married, my husband simply embraced it and even finds it quite endearing. He does poke fun of me and says that I am a 30-year-old woman that plays with planners and stickers.

Currently, my love for planning and organization has blossomed into this blog and a YouTube channel. My mission when I decided to put my thoughts out in the internet was to share everything I have learned in my 9+ years of Creative Planning.

I didn’t think anyone actually cared but I just wanted to share. However, since then, I have achieved a long-time goal of becoming an Erin Condren Affiliate, going to the Go Wild Planner Conference, and just all in all, hanging out with Planner Friends.

Planner Lovers Embracing Their Planner Obsession

If you are a planner lover like me, you may even feel self-conscious or you don’t really know how to explain your hobby to others. It is quite a strange hobby isn’t it? I admit it but at the same time, I feel all the more special doing something not everyone is doing. My message for you today is to not be afraid to share what you love to do with the world. I can guarantee you are not alone. There is always someone out there who may have a similar hobby.

I discovered this just by sharing my planner pictures on Instagram. There were so many people in the planner community hyping me up and at the same time, I was loving their creations too. The Planner Community is a lovely place. If you are new or don’t know where to start feel free to just email me at reachme@sarasplanner.com or just DM me on Instagram. Let’s be friends 🩷

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