Get The Most Out of every day with themed days

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Do you ever feel like you’re just not getting enough done? That your to-do list looks like a giant jumble of tasks and you don’t know where to even start? Oftentimes, your tasks at work, at home, or even in your business can get overwhelming. Just the thought of everything that needs to be done, makes it difficult to begin. If time blocking certain tasks doesn’t help you boost your productivity, work batching on certain days can help you achieve more. You can get the most of your days by theming them!

What is Day Theming?

Theming your days means that you allot a specific task or theme to a particular day of the week. On a personal level, you may allot a certain day of the week to clean up your home, another day to catch up on emails, and a day where you really focus on an intensive workout. On the other hand, using themed days at work can be extremely helpful as you may assign a day of the week to focus on a particular work activity. This doesn’t mean that you will be doing that one task all day but knowing what is your main focus for the day will help eliminate the decision-fatigue. This will also allow you to better prioritize the work that needs to be done.

Personally, I like to theme my days by creating a fun rhyme for them such as “Tidy Tuesday” or “Wellness Wednesday”. On “Tidy Tuesdays” I will make sure to catch up on household tasks that need to be done such as wiping down the countertops or vacuuming. If I have other tasks pending such as catching up on my personal emails, I will not even worry about the emails and just focus on household chores (then the rest of the week I won’t even worry about cleaning since I did it so well on Tuesday). “Wellness Wednesdays” are my days to relax. After work, I won’t worry about my to-do list. I will watch a movie or lay down.

You can theme your days how you see fit depending on your goals and schedule. Find the arrangement that works best for you and makes you feel the most comfortable and productive!

The Benefits of Day Theming

Day-Theming is not the end all and be all of a productive lifestyle but it is a great way to add some much-needed structure to your day. Here are some great benefits of implementing this system of “task batching”:

  • It helps you prioritize your most important tasks.
  • It helps improve your time management as you know what to expect on certain days.
  • It helps build a framework for your daily routine and in turn incentivizes good habits.
  • It helps you achieve more in less time as you focus on specific tasks and not divert your attention.

How To Get Started

Chances are you already have a routine in place at work or in your home. Maybe you want to add structure to your current job workflow or maybe you just want to achieve more at home after you get off of work.

  1. Whichever the case, the first step is to take a look internally and determine your goals.
  2. Once you know what you want to achieve grab a calendar or a piece of paper and assign a particular task to each day.
  3. Know that it won’t be perfect but try to stick to this routine for a couple of weeks.
  4. Make tweaks as necessary, there are things that won’t work on certain days.
  5. Voilá, Optimized and Organized days ahead.

Examples of Themed Days For Different Lifestyles:

The Freelancer

You are on your own when you are a freelancer. You have the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want but with great power comes great responsibility. There are still deadlines you need to meet if you are creating products or providing a service for your customers. Or, if you are a digital creator, there is a certain posting schedule you may need to follow. This is where time management is key. For example, if you are a social media manager, you may arrange your schedule as follows:

Themed Days for a Freelancer

The Mom and Housewife

Being a mom is a full-time job in and of itself, but then you have all your household chores, and errands to run! Learning to batch and prioritize will help take the stress out of every day. Of course every routine is completely different depending on your needs and activities but this is an example of how you may arrange your schedule:

Housewife Day Theming

The Office Worker

Whether you are self-managed at work, work as part of a team, or even if you have a schedule that needs to be followed as requested by management, your tasks may get out of hand. There are so many professions out there with many different tasks during the day but this is an example of how you can batch your days:

Day Theming for the Office Worker

How To Implement Themed Days In Your Lifestyle

It can be difficult to find time to do everything you want to do in a day, let alone a week. That’s why incorporating themed days into your lifestyle can be a great way to make sure you’re making time for the things that are important to you.

Here are a few tips on how to get started:

  1. Take some time before the end of the week to plan out your dedicated days. This will help you make sure you’re not overbooking yourself and that you have time for everything you want to do.
  2. Use a wall calendar or a weekly calendar deskpad to plan your days. This will help you stay accountable and track your progress.
  3. Stay dedicated to your days. This means setting aside time each day or week to focus on your chosen theme.
  4. Track your progress. This will help you see how well you’re doing and keep you motivated.
  5. Stay accountable!

A great way to keep yourself accountable and ensure that you stick to your tasks is to also plan out your week with your partner or let your coworkers know the things that you will be focusing on on certain days. Happy Planning and wishing you happy and productive weeks ahead!

If you want more tips and tricks on living your most productive life, read this post next:

Top 10 Ways to Be Your Most Productive Self

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