Using Habit Trackers

How to Stay Motivated With Habit Trackers

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If you’re having trouble staying motivated and on track with your goals, habit trackers might be the solution for you. Habit trackers are tools that help you keep track of your habits and can be very effective in keeping you accountable. By tracking your habits, you can see where you might need to make some changes and be more effective in reaching your goals.

What Are Habit Trackers And Why Are They Useful?

Habit trackers are a great way to keep track of your progress in any endeavor, big or small. Whether you want to eat healthily, focus on a big project, or just in general, shift towards healthier habits, this is a tool you can use to make changes in your life. They can be used to track anything from your daily water intake to how many pages of a book you read. The great thing about habit trackers is that they are customizable to fit your needs. You can create a tracker that is as simple or as detailed as you want. 

There are a few different ways to create a habit tracker. You can use paper and pen (dot grid or graph paper works best, or you can use a digital tool such as an app or a website. If you choose to use paper and pen, you can create a table with the days of the week across the top and the habit you are trying to track down the side. You can then fill in the boxes as you complete the habit. If you choose to use a digital tool, you can usually find templates online that you can customize to fit your needs. My personal favorite way is just to slap a habit tracker sticker in my weekly planning page.

Benefits Of Using Habit Trackers

  1. They can help you to see your progress. When you can see that you have been successful in completing a habit for several days in a row, it can give you the motivation to keep going.
  2. They can help you to identify patterns. For example, if you consistently forget to do your habit on Monday mornings, you can use that information to try to create a plan to help you remember.
  3. They are a very simple tool to implement within your daily routine. Setting one up doesn’t take more than a few minutes (unless you want to create a very detailed spreadsheet with percentages that track your progress of course). Generally, it just takes creating a simple chart and marking it off. 
  4. They can be a great way to hold yourself accountable. When you have to report to someone or something that you have completed your habit, you are more likely to do it.

How to Use Habit Trackers Effectively

  • Find a tracker that works for you. There are a lot of different types of trackers available, so find one that is best suited to your needs.
  • Be specific. When you create your habit tracker, be specific about what you are trying to accomplish. This will make it easier to track your progress.
  • Make it visible. Put your tracker in a place where you will see it every day. This will help you to stay motivated and on track.
  • Be patient. It may take some time to form new habits, so be patient and keep working at it.
  • Celebrate your successes. When you achieve a goal, celebrate it! This will help stay in a positive mindset and motivated to keep you going. 

No matter which type of tracker you choose, make sure it is something that you will commit to using on a regular basis. If you struggle to stick to your habit-tracking routine, find a friend or family member to hold you accountable.

Remember that you won’t be perfect. Sometimes you won’t have the energy to complete a task or you won’t get around to it. It is important to remember that if it is something you want to achieve, you should work towards it and prioritize it but life does happen so give yourself a pat on the back for your successes and don’t be too hard on yourself when you are not accomplishing 100% of what you set out to do. 

A great book to read to help you get started on your positive habit journey is nonetheless but The Power of Habit. This is a book that will help you understand why you have certain habits, how to work towards creating positive ones and the habit cycle. It is also surprisingly entertaining. 


Monthly Habit Tracker Free Printable.

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