20 Planner Note Page Ideas

20 Planner Note Page Ideas For A Productive Year

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Don’t Know What To Do With Those Blank Note Pages In Your Planner?

If you’re looking to start the new year off right by getting organized, a great way to do that is by using a planner. Planners can help you keep track of important dates, tasks, and goals. But then you come across those blank pages at the end of your planner to see there is so much potential but don’t know what to do with them. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are 20 planner note page ideas to help get you started! 

You can also download all the freebie printable note pages sprinkled throughout the article and more!

(Scroll to the bottom of the page to download)

1. Write A List Of Last Year’s Achievements

Setting and achieving goals is a great way to stay motivated and feel accomplished. And what better way to start the New Year than by looking back at all of the great things you accomplished last year?
Compiling a list of your last year’s achievements can help you start the new year off on a more positive note. It can also be a great way to reflect on your progress and set your sights for the year ahead.
Here are some things to consider when listing your last year’s achievements:

  • What goals did you set for yourself last year?
  • What did you accomplish, big or small?
  • What obstacles did you overcome?

Taking the time to reflect on your achievements from last year can be a great way to jumpstart your motivation for the year ahead. Be proud of all that you accomplished and use it to fuel your drive to achieve even more this year!

2. Set Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a great time to set goals and resolutions for yourself. This note page will help you stay on track of all the goals you set for yourself throughout the year. By setting goals, you can hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

So, what are some of your New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you want to learn a new skill, quit a bad habit, or make a lifestyle change. Whatever your goals may be, write them down and refer to this note page often.

 Checking in on your goals regularly will help you stay motivated and on track. So, make sure to set aside some time each week or month to review your goals. And don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments along the way!

3. Keep A Compilation Of Inspirational Quotes

When it comes to inspiration and motivation, sometimes all it takes is a simple quote to get you back on track. If you’re looking for a little extra encouragement, keep a compilation of your favorite inspirational quotes. Whenever you need a pick-me-up, just flip to the page and read through your quotes. You can even add new quotes as you come across them. Before you know it, you’ll be back to taking charge and reaching your goals.

What are some of your favorite inspirational quotes? Share them with us in the comments below!

4. Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a catch-all spot where you have a general outline of your goals and vision of what you want your life to look like in the future. It doesn’t have to cover your whole bedroom wall (but it can if you want it to). You can create a simple vision board in the note pages of your planner utilizing pictures you print online, decorative elements, washi tape, or magazine clippings (do people still do that?) Anyway… get creative, have fun, and most importantly, don’t lose sight of what you want to accomplish!

Learn how to create a vision board.

5. Make a Cleaning Tracker

A cleaning tracker is a great way to stay on top of the areas in your home that need to be cleaned and decluttered. By having a visual reminder of what needs to be done, you can more easily stay on track and get the job done. Here’s how to make your own cleaning tracker:

  1. Write down the areas in your home that need to be cleaned. This can include specific rooms or areas, like the kitchen or living room, or general areas like dusting or vacuuming.
  2. Make a note of when you plan to clean each area. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your needs.
  3. Add any other notes or reminders as needed. For example, you may want to note when you last cleaned an area or what needs to be done in that area.

Glance back at your cleaning tracker regularly to make sure that you are staying on top of those areas that could use a spruce.

6. Write A List Of Books To Read

We all start off with the best intention of reading a list of books and don’t actually get to it. Having a cute note page with a list of books to read will help you stay motivated to read more. 

A great way to use this tracker is to fill in the book title you want to read and then once you read said book, you can color it in with a colored pencil or marker. This will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Audio books count too! We all learn differently, whether we are visual or auditory learners, reading is key to our self-development and cognitive function. With so much digital media and distractions, it’s hard to stay on track but having a tracker will help immensely.

7. Write a List of Movies to Watch

Ok, this one is purely for entertainment. Watching a good movie is an incredible way to spend time with friends and family. As for me, remembering a movie I watched takes me back to a particular moment in time and it helps me reminisce.

It is so lovely to have a spot where you can write a list of the movies you want to watch or the movies you already watched and even rate them! Coming back to this page will be so much fun because just by seeing the movie title, you will be able to remember what happened while you watched that movie. 

What are your favorite movies to watch? Share your favorite movies in the comments below.

8. Write a List of Podcasts To Listen To

There are so many great podcasts out there and it can be hard to keep track of them all. I’ve found that the best way to keep track of the podcasts I want to listen to is to write them down in my planner. Whether it is a friend recommendation or someone mentions a podcast on the internet, keep it in one place and you can easily reference them later and add them to your to-listen list.

9. Create A Wishlist of Things You Want To Buy This Year

If you’re like me, you love making lists. And what could be more fun than making a list of all the things you want to buy in the year ahead?

I like to think of my wishlist as a roadmap for my spending. It helps me to budget appropriately and keep track of the things I want and need to buy. Plus, it’s just plain fun to look at all the things I want and dream about making them mine! 

Use this cute planner template to create your wishlist, feel free to add things throughout the year and check them off.

10. Create a Budget or Savings Tracker

Keeping track of your budget is a great way to ensure that you are living within your means. A budget tracker can help you to see where your money is going and identify areas where you can make cuts. Tracking your budget for just a few months is not going to do you any good. You need to track your budget on a regular basis in order to see the big picture and make changes as needed.

Your planner note pages are a great place to keep a budget tracker because you can reference it all year. There are a few ways you can go about it, here are just a few ideas:

  • Write a savings goal and track your progress towards said goal.
  • Write a general list of your monthly bills and expenses vs. income
  • Write a list of big expenses that you may have coming up each month such as car maintenance, insurance renewal, etc.

11. Keep a List of All Your Friends’ and Family’s Birthdays

Yes, we normally add our loved ones’ birthdays to our calendars each month but having one spot to place all birthdays will help ensure that you don’t forget any of them. You can even take it a step further and write down a budget for gifts. 

12. Make a Wellness/Fitness Tracker

Making a wellness and fitness tracker in your planner can help you stay on top of your health goals. By tracking your fitness progress, you can make sure you’re meeting your goals and staying on track.

There are a few different ways to make a fitness tracker. You can use a simple weight tracker, or you can track your fitness goals. If you want to get more detailed, you can even track your calorie intake and activity level. Or you can focus on your victories just like I like to do. Download this wellness/fitness tracker template and write down 3 wellness wins throughout the year. 

No matter which method you choose, tracking your progress will help you stay on track and reach your goals. So get started today and make a fitness tracker in your planner!

13. Make A List Of Places You Want To Visit Next Year

Do you have a travel bucket list? If not, now is the time to make one! Sit down and brainstorm a list of places you’d like to visit in the next year. Then, start planning out how you’ll make those trips happen.

Be realistic with your travel plans, but also have fun with them. This is your chance to dream big and plan an amazing year of travel. Check off the places you visit as you go, and enjoy every minute of your journey.

This freebie travel bucket list is just a general overview of your travel plans but you can go into detail and create a more thorough travel list with a budget, date to travel and list of landmarks to visit. 

14. Keep a Memory Log

This can be a simple memory log more like a journal of special things that happened throughout the year but you can take it a step further and paste ticket stubs, print out photos, and write a caption of what happened. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown scrapbook but keeping a visual outline of things you did throughout the year is a lovely reminder of how your year went. 

15. Write A List Of Yearly Check-Ups and Routine Testing

Sometimes it feels like there isn’t any time for our wellness check-ups and bloodwork or other preventative care tests. However, our health is the most important thing and we have to make sure that we are seeing our doctor. A lot of insurance plans will include a wellness check-up for free and most of us don’t take advantage of that. 

Keep a list of the recommended wellness checks for your age group and set a target date for yourself to get that check-up. Setting some time aside to get it done will improve the likelihood of you accomplishing this task. 

16. Make a Quarterly Goal Tracker

Making a quarterly goal tracker is a great way to stay motivated and on track to achieving your goals. By setting aside a specific day and time each quarter to review your goals, you can ensure that you are making progress and staying on track. Additionally, a goal tracker can help you to identify any areas where you may need to make adjustments in order to achieve your goals.

If you don’t use a goal planner separately, keeping this note page in the back of your planner is a great way to stay on track. Be sure to check in every quarter and make adjustments as necessary. Don’t forget to also include your accomplishments!

17. Make a List of Positive Affirmations

It’s so important to keep a positive outlook on life, especially when things are tough. One way to do this is to make a list of positive affirmations that you can refer to when you need a pep talk.

Some examples of positive affirmations include:

  • I am deserving of happiness and success
  • I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to
  • I am strong and resilient

Making a list of positive affirmations is a great way to stay motivated and keep a goal-oriented mindset. Whenever you’re feeling down or doubting yourself, simply read through your affirmations and remind yourself of how amazing you are.

18. Keep A List Of Event Calendars For Work, School, Or The Family

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot going on in your life. Between work, school, and family, it can be hard to keep track of everything. That’s why it’s important to have a list of event calendars that you can refer to throughout the year. Keeping a list of event calendars can help you stay on top of events all year round. 

19. Make a List of Home Improvement Projects

Making a list of home improvement projects can be a great way to get started on improving your home. It can be helpful to break down the projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. Here are a few ideas of the projects you can include in your note pages:

  • Declutter and organize your home 
  • Update your decor
  • Make repairs and improvements

20. Create a Project Tracker or Project Map

This is the year that you can finally finish that big project that you have been working on for a while. If your goal is to get it done by the end of the year you are going to need to track your progress to make sure that you meet your goal.

One way to track your progress is to use a milestone tracker. This tool helps you track the progress of your project by setting milestones, or goals, that you need to meet to finish the project.

In the freebie printable, you can write down the milestone, which dates you want to achieve it by and to keep yourself accountable, write down the date it was accomplished.

Bonus: Write Down Your Bucket List

When you have dreams and goals, it’s important to keep them present in your mind. One way to do this is to create a life bucket list. This is a list of all the things you want to do in life, big or small. Seeing your dreams and goals written down can help keep you inspired and motivated to achieve them. 

Use your planner note page to start brainstorming a list of things you’ve always wanted to do. This can be anything from visiting a certain country to learning a new skill. Once you have your list, start narrowing it down to things that are realistic and achievable. Once you have your final list, start working on making your dreams a reality!

List of materials to place these notes pages in your planner:

– Need a New Printer? This is my favorite affordable high-quality printer: HP ENVY 6055e
– Use Sticker Paper to Print Your Note Pages
– This is the Paper Trimmer I use to cut my pages to size

Hope this helped and whatever you choose to do, remember to stay optimized and organized to achieve the best version of yourself! If you want more information as to how a planner can help you, read this blog post next: 

7 Reasons Why You Should Use a Planner

Download the 7 x 9 Note Page Freebies Here

Download the A5 Note Page Freebies Here

Download the Letter Size Note Page Freebies Here

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